Mulher diz ter sido estuprada por Justin Bieber. Cantor se pronuncia

O artista já reagiu e afirmou que tal história "não é verdadeira"

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Fama Justin Bieber 22/06/20 POR Notícias Ao Minuto Brasil

Justin Bieber foi acusado de abuso sexual por uma mulher, que se identificou como Danielle sem revelar a sua verdadeira identidade. Ela contou que foi estuprada pelo artista em março de 2014, num evento em Austin, nos Estados Unidos. Na época mulher teria 20 anos e o cantor 21.


Danielle diz que no dia 9 de março, depois de um espetáculo, Bieber convidou ela e algumas amigas para irem ao hotel Four Seasons e que depois a levou para uma sala reservada onde teria acontecido o estupro. De acordo com o  The Guardian, a história foi relatada no Twitter. O jornal tentou entrar em contato com a mulher mas não obteve resposta.

Inicialmente, destaca o jornal, as alegações foram negadas por Alison Kaye, que representa Bieber. Mais tarde, no domingo, foi o próprio artista quem reagiu às acusações no Twitter.

I don’t normally address things as I have dealt with random accusations my entire career but after talking with my wife and team I have decided to speak up on an issue tonight.

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020

Rumors are rumors but sexual abuse is something I don’t take lightly. I wanted to speak out right away but out of respect to so many victims who deal with these issues daily I wanted to make sure I gathered the facts before I made any statement.

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020

In the past 24 hours a new Twitter appeared that told a story of myself involved with sexual abuse on March 9, 2014 in Austin Texas at the Four seasons hotel. I want to be clear. There is no truth to this story. In fact as I will soon show I was never present at that location.

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020

As her story told I did surprise a crowd in Austin at Sxsw where I appeared on stage with my then assistant side stage and sang a few songs. What this person did not know was that I attended that show with my then gf Selena Gomez

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020

O cantor compartilhou na rede social algumas fotografias de recibos e emails em que, segundo o próprio, teria ficado hospedado no AirBnb em Austin, no dia 9 de março, e que no dia 10 de março ficou hotel Westin. Além disso, disse ainda que estava em Austin com a namorada  Selena Gomez.

These photos clearly show me on stage with my assistant sidestage and the other with both of us in the streets of Austin afterwards on March 9 2014

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020

The other reason this story might say I was staying at the four seasons was because a tweet from 2014 on March 10th not the the 9th says they saw me there . This is that tweet

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020

Furthermore I stayed with Selena and our friends at an airbnb on the 9th and on the 10th stayed at a Westin because our hotel reservation at LÀ Quinta and not the four seasons was messed up. Here are the receipts for the hotel on the 10th

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020

The Pics I showed of me and Selena march 9 in Austin should make it clear that we were together that night and went from the venue to our Airbnb and never went to the four seasons. This is our airbnb receipt where we crashed with our friends

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020

"Esta história não é verdadeira. Todas as alegações de abuso sexual devem ser levadas muito a sério e é por isso que a minha resposta é necessária. No entanto, esta histórias é factualmente impossível e é por isso que vou trabalhar em conjunto com o Twitter e as autoridades para tomar medidas legais", escreveu ainda o cantor.

Every claim of sexual abuse should be taken very seriously and this is why my response was needed. However this story is factually impossible and that is why I will be working with twitter and authorities to take legal action.

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020




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